Grief Trails
Stories from everyday humans who have encountered grief in one of its many forms and have found themselves on a different trail than they ever intended. Join us as we hear about the ways grief has changed people in all of its ugliness and unexpected beauty.
Grief Trails
On Meditations for Grief with Ann Swanson
Ann Swanson
Season 2
Episode 42
Ann Swanson, bestselling author of the book the Science Of Yoga and her newest book, Meditation for the Real World, joins us to talk about how her own journey into this work, and how meditation can make lasting changes in our bodies. She walks us through a brief grief meditation and provides us with an evidence-based journaling prompt.
To connect with Ann or buy her books, visit her website: www.meditationfortherealworld.com
If you purchase a book, reach out to Ann for 14 days worth of audio meditations for free!
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Thank you so much for listening. Wishing you well on whatever trail you find yourself walking today.